Thursday, October 14, 2010


According to my opinion ,i commending, that the grandfathers fear was abnormal. How come that he could fear death, while he knew that death is natural in life. We all live to die a nother day. I think the oldmans fear was out of stuppidness. There was no sense of fearing death while he knew that it is obvious to die. He was a cting as he was a child, while he was old. Thats why in the story, its stareted that he was not considering his grandsons fear. Even when his grandson told him that he was scared of the darckness,the thurnders and even the rain,he told his grandson to keep quiet. His grandsons fear was normal to a little child,than his abnormal fear of fearing death. It is obsious that his mind was pre occupied by his wife death, and that when he sought of his age, and little by little he was getting old. His mind was than pre-occupied by fear of death wich was abnormal to an older person. Lastly im also recommending on phobias such as storms. We all know that storms their streange and feaful. As stareted in the story we learned storm is caused along with thurnder rain, dark sky and strong rain. So it is natural to fear storm rains, because its dangereous to humans.

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